
Food, recipes and entertaining to make every occasion memorable.

How to Turn Restaurant Week into Year-Round Savings with AARP Member Benefits

(BPT) – It has been three decades since New York City launched the now nationwide phenomena of Restaurant Week. As the trend grew in popularity, cities across the country began hosting their own versions to showcase unique dining establishments with special pricing to boost business and encourage people to try new restaurants. One of the

How to Turn Restaurant Week into Year-Round Savings with AARP Member Benefits Read More »

Trust your gut: 5 reasons why fiber-forward pears are a fall favorite

(BPT) – The fall harvest is underway, which means that a fresh new crop of USA-grown pears is coming to grocers’ produce sections. For those looking for a healthy snack with staying power, pears are a natural go-to. Not only are they available fresh almost year-round, but they contain a significant amount of dietary fiber,

Trust your gut: 5 reasons why fiber-forward pears are a fall favorite Read More »

3 reasons you should include more sprouted grains into your daily diet

(BPT) – If you’re trying to make better-for-you decisions when it comes to what you eat, you’ve probably read that foods like whole grains provide important nutrients. But have you heard about sprouted grains? Sprouting makes what’s already healthy about whole grains even better — naturally. Breads with sprouted grains offer even more benefits to

3 reasons you should include more sprouted grains into your daily diet Read More »