(BPT) – The coronavirus pandemic has shed light on the dangers of rampant overuse of harsh chemicals in products we use every day to clean our skin, homes, offices and public spaces — making natural and skin-friendly cleaning solutions more important than ever. A recent CDC study, “Cleaning and Disinfectant Chemical Exposures and Temporal Associations with COVID-19,” warns Americans to be vigilant when using harsh cleaning products (including sprays, wipes and hand sanitizers), citing a dramatic increase in accidental poisonings compared to the last two years. For example, in 2020 alone, U.S. poison control centers responded to 18,292 exposure cases from hand sanitizer in children 12 years and under. Additionally, the FDA recalled 178 alcohol hand sanitizer products that contained dangerous and toxic ingredients for humans, pets and plants — like methanol and 1-propanol.
So, what is safe? Here’s a short list:
1. The base for most disinfectants contains toxic chemicals like alcohol, bleach and acid, which quickly lose their effectiveness. In contrast, Disinfect & Shield Surface Cleaner kills on contact and protects for 28 days against viruses, bacteria, molds and fungi, such as strains of SARS, H1N1, E. Coli, and harmful microbes, including the coronavirus. Extensive third party and university testing has proven the product’s effectiveness as none of these organisms were able to penetrate or survive contact with the protective coating. Disinfect & Shield is both eco-friendly and safe for use around humans, animals and plants — including crops. Any place where people gather to work or play should be kept free from harmful elements, which is why airports, airlines, hospitals, bars, night clubs and fitness facilities are all reconsidering their cleaning protocols, especially around food preparation. Disinfect & Shield is safe to use on personal protective equipment to provide additional safety and confidence to first responders and medical professionals. Additionally, the FDA-listed Disinfect & Shield 8-Hour Hand Sanitizer has been proven effective against SARS-Cov-2, harmful bacteria and viruses for up to 8 hours and 10 hand washings. It lasts 700x longer than leading alcohol-based hand sanitizers. While the Laundry Complete sanitizes, deodorizes, and softens all fabrics during washing cycle providing virus, bacteria, and germ protection for up to 200 days after cycle.
2. With as many as 45% of Americans reporting sensitive skin, it is important to take into account how many commonly used household items contain allergens or irritants that might cause skin irritation and discomfort. Many laundry detergents include chemicals and ingredients like surfactants, parabens, dyes and artificial fragrances. Instead, choose skin-friendly substitutions to ensure the health and well-being of your family is protected. Hypoallergenic Arm and Hammer Sensitive Skin, Free & Clear Laundry Detergent is a preservative-free and safe detergent to clean everything from clothing to household linens to protect skin from harsh, reaction-producing allergens.
3. The harsh chemicals suggested to kill SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, as well as other dangerous viruses, bacteria, E. coli, Salmonella, Staph and MRSA also kill the good bacteria. Our environments and bodies need these good bacteria to fight infections and protect our immune systems, making it critical to add environmental probiotics to our cleaning regimens at home, in office buildings and in public places. Chemical-free P2 Probiotic Power products offer external probiotic technology to deliver a stronger defense barrier than antibacterial products, disinfectants and bleach. Our environment, just like our body, has an immune system that plays a key role in our overall health. The best way to boost and balance the environmental immune system is to use P2 probiotics to replenish and correct the balance of good bacteria on surfaces, in the air, on your skin and in/on your pets. If we continue to use cleaning products with harsh chemicals that kill good bacteria, we will see more virulent strains of superbug bacteria, mold, fungus and mildew — because microbes always have the last word.
Remember: take caution when using traditional household cleaners containing alcohol, bleach, and acid as they quickly lose their effectiveness, destroy surfaces, and harm skin. Instead opt for external probiotics that replenish the good bacteria that help us stay healthy and protected. In addition, look for products that not only kill viruses and bacteria, but also offer long-term protection against them and prevent dangerous organisms from attaching. Now more than ever, make sure to choose skin-friendly surface cleaners, laundry detergents, and hand sanitizers to keep your loved ones healthy, comfortable, and safe.