(BPT) – Fall is a busy season for many families, with schedules filled with homework, after-school activities and sports. While the excitement of fall activities may energize your kids, it can be bittersweet to let go of the spontaneous fun of the summer months and easy to feel overscheduled.
This fall, have some unplanned fun with the family to break up the hectic calendar. Check out these five ways you can have spontaneous moments of joy with your kids this autumn.
1. Take a dance break during homework time
Whether your kids do their homework as soon as they get home from school or after dinner, break up the monotony and give them a break by starting a dance party. Put on a playlist of your family’s favorite bops and grab your wooden spoons or soup ladles while you sing and dance along. Whatever you dance to, you’re all sure to have fun, and they’ll go back to doing their homework with a bit of pep in their step.
2. Pack a fun lunchbox surprise
A couple of times a week, include a fun surprise snack in your kids’ lunch boxes. It can be anything your kids like to eat but make it extra special by packing a treat they don’t get every day.
If you want to try something new, consider picking up a box of Hostess® Bouncers™. These bite-sized snack cakes with creamy filling are the perfect lunch box snack and are available in three flavors: Glazed Twinkies®, Glazed Chocolate Ding Dongs® and Cinnamon Donettes®.
“Consumers increasingly are looking for snackable, poppable, shareable treats that offer a sweet reward without the mess, and that’s exactly what Hostess Bouncers deliver,” said Christopher Balach, general manager of Hostess Brands. “That’s why we’re excited to roll out mini variations of some of our most-loved snacks as the perfect sweet surprises in any lunch box.”
Pack one for your child or include a few so they can share with friends!
3. Jump into autumn leaves
As the weather turns cooler and the leaves start to fall, take advantage of the autumn season and turn raking leaves from a boring chore into a fun family activity. Invite your kids after school or during a weekend afternoon to rake piles of leaves so you can all enjoy the fall colors. If you have smaller kids, give them buckets so they can collect leaves while you rake larger piles. Take this pastime to the next level by collecting some of the prettiest leaves and taking them inside for crafts. Create a fall bouquet or leaf wreath.
4. Play an after-school game, snack and chat
After a long day or week at school and work, it can be nice to sit down and connect as a family over a board or card game and a fun snack. Ask your child about the highlights of their day and share your own while you enjoy game time and a tasty treat. Hostess® snacks are the delicious, irresistible choice for helping you find spontaneous moments of joy in everyday occasions.
5. Surprise your kids with a Friday afternoon trip
End the school week and start the weekend on a bright note with a spontaneous Friday afternoon trip. When you pick them up from school or at the bus stop, surprise them with a trip to a pumpkin patch or apple orchard to enjoy some quintessential fall activities. Or gather everyone in the car and go to a local park for a nature hike or calming walk by the lake. Cap the evening off with a home movie night.
No matter what you choose to do as a family, do it together and leave room to surprise and delight with spontaneous activities. Use the five tips above or come up with your own to bond with the family and destress during the busy fall schedule.